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Chrome-UTI Agar Plate

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Chrome-UTI Agar Plate

Intended Use:

Recommended for presumptive identification and confirmation of microorganisms mainly causing urinary tract infections, can also be used for testing water, food, environmental and other clinical samples.

Product Description:

Microserv-Chrome-UTI Agar Plate is used for the identification of a panel of Gram-Negative bacteria and Gram-Positive bacteria on the basis of different contrasted colony colours produced by reactions of genus or species specific enzymes with two chromogenic substrates. The chromogenic substrates are specifically cleaved by enzymes produced by Enterococcus species, E. coli and coliforms. Presence of amino acids like phenylalanine and tryptophan from peptones helps for detection of tryptophan deaminase activity, indicating the presence of Proteus species, Morganella species and Providencia species. One of the chromogenic substrate is cleaved by ß-glucosidase possessed by Enterococci resulting in formation of blue colonies. E. coli produce pink colonies due to the enzyme ß-D-galactosidase that cleaves the other chromogenic substrate. Coliforms produce purple coloured colonies due to cleavage of both the chromogenic substrate. Colonies of Proteus, Morganella and Providencia species appear brown because of tryptophan deaminase activity. Peptone special provides nitrogenous, carbonaceous compounds, long chain amino acids, vitamins and other essential growth nutrients.

S.No Device Details Description
1. Generic Name of Device Chrome-UTI Agar Plate
2. Brand Name Microserv-Chrome-UTI Agar Plate
3. Product Code 107
4. Device Dimensions 90 mm Petriplates
5. Sterilization Sterilized
6. Material of Construction 27 mL Solid Agar in 90 mm Plastic Petriplates
7. Shelf Life 60 days
8. Storage Conditions Store at 2-8 °C. Away from sunlight.
9. Package Size Pack of 10 Nos