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MacConkey Agar Plate

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MacConkey Agar Plate

Intended Use:

Recommended for selectively isolating Gram-negative and enteric (normally found in the intestinal tract) bacteria and differentiate them based on lactose fermentation.

Product Description:

Microserv MacConkey agar (Microserv-MA) plate is a selective and differential culture medium for bacteria. It is designed to selectively isolate Gram-negative and enteric (normally found in the intestinal tract) bacteria and differentiate them based on lactose fermentation. Lactose fermenters turn red or pink on Microserv-MA plate, and non-fermenters do not change colour. The media inhibits growth of Gram-positive organisms with crystal violet and bile salts, allowing for the selection and isolation of gram-negative bacteria. The media detects lactose fermentation by enteric bacteria with the pH indicator neutral red.

S.No Device Details Description
1. Generic Name of Device MacConkey Agar Plate
2. Brand Name Microserv –MA plate
3. Product Code 103
4. Device Dimensions 90 mm Petriplates
5. Sterilization Sterilized
6. Material of Construction 27 mL Solid Agar in 90 mm Plastic Petriplates
7. Shelf Life 60 days
8. Storage Conditions Store at 2-8 °C. Away from sunlight.
9. Package Size Pack of 10 Nos